Okta Online Training


Okta is a guarded character cloud that connections all your applications, logins and devices into a bound together advanced texture.

With Okta, you're ready for action on the very beginning, with each application and program you use to work, immediately accessible. Regardless of whether you're at your work area or in a hurry, Okta consistently interfaces you to all that you need. Okta highlights incorporate Provisioning, Single Sign-On (SSO), Active Directory (AD) and LDAP coordination, the concentrated de-provisioning of clients, multifaceted verification (MFA), portable personality the executives, and adaptable approaches for association security and control. You can get trained and certified via Okta online training.

Jenkins Online Training


Become an expert in automation testing with Jenkins Online Training by enrolling with ITCourCes.com. This course includes continuous integration, server automation, configuration tools, different types of plugins, automation testing with hands-on practise modules. Our tailored syllabus will help you crack the certification.

With the help of expert trainer from industry, we help you get IT classes and curriculum as per your requirement. At ITCourCes.com , we strive to help you get the best of knowledge from expert trainers. With that knowledge you can build your career and lead a prosperous life. The country have enough of resources, only thing that is lacking is skill, we are trying to build that gap.